The Monday blues...I have to go to work tomorrow! Blah!
Last night Lindsay had an accident and so she woke up crying at 2 am....I got up, changed her clothes, sort of changed her sheet (hey, I was tired!) and put her back to bed. Unfortunately, she must have really woken up all the way because a half hour later, down to our room she comes. I am NOT having her sleeping with us from 2:45 until the morning! No way! So I take her back to bed, against her wishes, of course. 15 minutes later....more crying. UGHHH. So I go and lay with her for 10 minutes or so, hoping she'll nod off. I leave again, trying to explain to her that I need sleep tooooooo!!! More crying and running down the hallway!!!!!! Now she has to go potty. Of course. How convenient! Now it's 3:30. I gave up. I woke Chris up to take over and went to bed.
We are tireeeeed today, needless to say.