Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Healthy Habits - Tweaking

Ok, during the course of the last few weeks I've been working on the healthy habits and I've had to tweak them a bit.  The first tweak happened to the multi-vitamin challenge.  I found that the new organic whole food vitamin I was taking did not agree with me, so I stopped taking that one.  After some careful thought, I decided to proceed with just taking Vitamin D for now, and possibly some calcium.  Vitamin D is said to be low for almost all people living in the Northeast during the winter.  I plan to get my vitamin D levels checked at an annual physical this year, but in the meantime I'm taking a small dose that would likely be found in a multi-vitamin anyway.  There are so many conflicting theories about vitamins that I decided to stick to the basics for now. 

Calcium I'm not sure exactly how much to take, so I'll be asking my ob/gyn about that (he is the one who recommended the calcium to me several years ago)

The second tweak is to the caffeine challenge.  I found that even the one cup of coffee was aggravating my anxiety, so I eliminated it completely.  *insert sad face here*  After a week or two I slowly added in some decaf, which seems to be fine.  In a few months I will try and add the one cup of coffee back in - I miss it dearly!

So now - onward!  I will post the next challenge shortly, which is where I will finally address exercise!