Friday, December 16, 2011

Healthy Habits Challenge - Week 3

Had another successful week with the challenge!  I am down to one regular size cup of coffee in the morning and that is it! 

On to Week 3....I was going to make this week's topic be something to do with exercise, but I think I am going to change my mind and put that off one week.  This week's challenge:


I think this is important, especially in the winter.  Now, there are a zillion vitamins out there so finding one is not an easy task.  I also sort of want to ask my doctor to test some of my levels before I get too far with it - doctor and I have seen enough of each other these past few months, so I'm putting that off for now.  The vitamins I decided on are a brand called New Chapter...they are organic and whole food....which to me sounds like a pretty good place to start.  I have heard several times in the past that the standard, cheap synthetic vitamins we take aren't very high quality and are not very well absorbed.  So I decided to go the more natural route. 

So a summary of the successful habits adopted so far:
1.  Eat a healthy breakfast every day
2.  Limit caffeine
3.  Start taking a good quality multi-vitamin

Next week will be exercise for sure - that is the one vital piece that needs to be added.  I AM doing yoga - but I need some cardio desperately.  I've been afraid to add that back in after being sick but I think I can start gradually adding it back in.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Healthy Living Challenge - Week 2

Well, the first week was a success.  I even managed to avoid the sugary cereal the rest of my family eats on the weekend.  It helps that I LOVE frosted mini-wheats (maple and brown sugar flavored from Trader Joe's, mmmmm) and I consider that pretty healthy, since it is high in fiber.  Some days I had oatmeal, and some days cereal.  In the future I'd also like to add some fruit to it as well.  I acctually was thinking a piece of fruit with breakfast would be a good requirement for the kids too.  (I could never make Chris do this, ha)

Now, on to Week 2 - CUT DOWN ON THE CAFFEINE.   This one will be harder for me, because I love coffee.  I am not trying to cut it out completely, but I want to cut down to about 1 (SMALL) cup in the mornings - 12 oz. or less.  No more the rest of the day.  It really isn't necessary.  Plus I may eat chocolate during most days and that has caffeine as well.  Wish me luck!  And feel free to join me!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Healthy Living Challenge - Week 1

So I've wanted to start slowly implementing some healthy living habits for a while now.  I decided I am going to add one per week, and report here on my progress!!  It will be a nice accountability.  I actually don't think that I am all that unhealthy right now, but I really want to make sure I am doing everything I can do.  The Week 1 Mission:

Eat a healthy breakfast every day.  High-fiber cereal, oatmeal, smoothie, etc.  Maybe some juice. 

I will report back in one week and add a new habit!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Just a quick drive-by posting....

  • Lindsay lost her 2nd tooth this morning....the left bottom middle
  • About a month ago Paige learned how to tie her shoes!
  • Natalie started walking for real about a week ago, and will take 4-6 steps at a time by herself!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


It doesn't seem like it's been a year since the last Halloween post!! Time passed too quickly this year. Halloween went off without a hitch this year except that Mommy was too sick to go trick or treating. Boo (no pun intended). Lindsay was a witch (of some sort!), Paige was a cheerleader, and Natalie wore the awesome butterfly costume that Paige wore. So warm and cuddly!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Sunday, May 29, 2011

I probably shouldn't be blogging but I had to get this down before it is gone....

Paige convo of the day

Paige: We should love everyone in the world, right?
Me:  Well, yes, but I love my family in a different way.  I love my family the most.
Paige: I love my family the most too. 
Paige: Do you love dark-skinned people too?
Me: Yes.
Paige: *look of shock* You do????
Me: Yes!
Paige: Why??
Me:  Because they are nice too!
Paige: Well, I guess Lasya and Shaahed are nice....they are Indian.  (they are 2 daycare kids)
Me: yes, right!
Paige:  You know, Indian world is very far from here.
Me: Yes, India is very far from here.
Paige:  It must take them a long time to get to Kindercare in the morning.
Me:  Oh, no, they don't live in India anymore, they live around here.
Paige: *confused look* They do?  But how can they, this is white-skin world!
Me: *desperately trying to keep a straight face* No, Paige, people with any skin color can live in our country.  Thats what is so great about it.

Friday, April 1, 2011


Paige just told me about a scary dream she had.  She said she was in a dark cave, and there was a spider hanging down from the ceiling.  She didn't want to go under it because she was afraid it might poop on her. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Our Sporty Girl

Lindsay just finished her first basketball season.  The practices and "games" were painful to watch and I figured we were one and done for basketball.  However, as soon as the weather got nice Lindsay has started wanting to play basketball every time we go outside, after claiming that she did not like basketball!!  And she actually started teaching me some things about guards, forwards, etc.  Sneaky girl, looks like she liked it after all.  We may have a little athlete on our hands - hates crafts and dance class, but likes soccer and basketball!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Pampering already?

About a year or so ago, I won a gift at a bridal shower (I think it was Melissa's) and it was a spa bath kit.  It had bath salts, bubble bath, a nice poof ........and an eyemask.  

Yes, that is Paige, fast asleep, wearing my adult-sized eyemask.  She claims it helps her sleep.  How do I have these children who are so into beauty products??

Monday, March 21, 2011

Photo Shoot

We had fun with a little photo shoot this weekend to model Natalie's new hat.  Thank you Grandmom Davitt for the Babies R Us gift card!!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

So many changes!!

So today was my final day of breastfeeding Natalie.  Although I was ready, it was bittersweet.  It always makes me sad when my babies were are longer dependent on just me to feed them.  But, I am so thankful to have made it at least 5 months.  I had wanted originally to go to six months but life was just getting in the way.  She is big and healthy and strong so it's all good!

She is officially a big girl now too because she started cereal today!  Most of it came back out and onto her clothes, which I think is fairly normal the first time, but she was DEFINITELY interested and tried to eat it.  She got frustrated quickly though - only a tiny bit was going into her mouth and she wanted her bottle!  LOL!  We'll try again when she is not so hungry.

P.S.  I have blogs scheduled to post a few times this week, so check back soon!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Jar of Hearts

Both of my girls are fascinated with this song, but especially Paige.  She has asked me all about some of the words, particularly, Mommy, why does she say you're going to get a cold?  Why does she say, don't come back anymore?

This weekend she sang the same 4 lines about 200 times:

You're going to catch a cold, from the ice inside your soul, so don't come back for me, whoever you think you are.....

I will try and see if I can get a video of this.  It is priceless.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The whole gang!

And here they are....the whole gang!

Our kids with our favorite Mechanicsburg family

Sunday, February 20, 2011


I took Paige to get a haircut the other day. We have to keep her hair short because she twirls it into knots constantly. I told the hairdresser that I wanted something chin length - and we ended up with ear length (not a big fan of the Hair Cuttery). However, I have decided that I really love it! It looks adorable on her!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Four Months

I am totally exhausted at night since I started working, but tonight I decided to take a break from thinking about numbers and catch up on blogging! I can't believe our Natalie is four months old! She is super healthy and growing well. Her four month stats:
Weight: 14 pounds, 1 ounce (58th percentile)
Height: 27.5 inches (99th percentile!! - another tall girl!)

She is showing so much more personality now. She smiles, laughs, and is interested in everything going on around her. She is trying to grab things and put them in her mouth. Strangely enough, she hasn't really sucked her thumb very much since she first found it. She is still a binky girl. Time will tell, I guess!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Diary of a Spider

I got Paige a book from the library called 'Diary of a Spider'. When we sat down to read it, I asked her first if she knew what a diary was. She nodded yes, so I asked her to tell me. Her response: "Lots of poop"

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Snow Day

We had our first snow of the year on January 7th. Two weeks later and I am already sick of snow and winter, but on this day we were all excited to go out in the snow. :)

Me and Lindsay sledding down the driveway
Chris and his girls

Paige making a snow angel



Monday, January 10, 2011

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Conversations with Paige are definitely more interesting when Lindsay is not around, I've noticed.  Today our conversation started out by discussing what would happen if a bad guy was trying to get her....

It started innocently enough.  She was holding a kid-sized plastic chair with the legs in the air and remarked that she could use the legs to hit a bad guy in the privates.  I said, yes!  Definitely do that if a bad guy is trying to get you!  You can do anything if a person is trying to hurt you!  Then she was talking about having a pencil and poking them with it.  (Should I be nervous about violent tendencies?)  That segued into Home Alone and all the things that Kevin did to protect himself from the bad guys.  Screaming, dialing 911, and all those tricks he pulled on them. (I think we will stay away from Home Alone for a while)  So then somehow she starts talking about shooting them with a gun.  Huh??  Here's how the rest of the conversation went:

Me:  Well, little kids don't have guns, sweetie.
Paige:  Mommy, I'm worried about this, I need a gun.
Me:  Paige, little kids dont have guns.  You don't need a gun.
Paige:  Well, I will tell Santa and he will get me a gun next year.
Me:  Paige, you're not getting a gun.  Even some grownups don't have guns.  They are dangerous.  Sometimes nice people get hurt by guns.
Paige:  But I won't hurt any nice people.
Me:  If you want to stop bad guys, become a policeman when you grow up then.
Paige:  Ok, I will.  Now I want to be a veterinarian, a mailman in Paris, a mommy, a doctor, AND a policeman when  I grow up!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!

We spent NYE at the McKenney's up in Mechanicsburg.  A fun time was had by all, although by the end of the weekend the kids were a tired cranky mess.  (except for Natalie, who slept 10.5 hours straight on New Years Eve!)  While we were there, we went to Chocolate World in Hershey and went on the ride where they show you how the Hershey's chocolate is made.  They give you a piece of chocolate at the end of the ride.  The kids love it!

I explained to the girls how people make New Year's resolutions and asked what they would want to do in the new year.  Here are everyone's resolutions for 2011!

Lindsay - learn to ice skate, and learn about money
Paige - put things away after she is done with them, and be healthy (she added this after hearing mine)
Mommy - Live a healthier lifestyle.  I have a list of things I consider to be 'healthy' that I am going to try and implement throughout the year instead of all at once, since I know I would burn out in about two days.  For example, get enough sleep, exercise, eat fruits and vegetables, floss, etc!
Daddy - exercise every day.  Since he is about to blow this already on January 2nd, I told him he should make the goal only 6 days per week.  :)

I also want to work on decorating our house room by room, and I want to get a minivan.  :)  Overall, 2010 was decent, and much better than 2009, although I can hope that 2011 is a little more stable in terms of both of our jobs.

Outside Chocolate World


Paige and the singing cows during the ride