Friday, May 16, 2008



Sorry these took so long!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Broad Street

Wow, this was one of my first posts from last year! Here we are again at Broad Street. Chris had an amazing run again , although he didn't beat his time from last year. He ran somewhere between 58 and 59 minutes. This year I had both girls down there and it was really fun. Poor Paige did not like being excluded from all the action though. Lindsay got to go on all the moonbounces and she wanted to go too! Sorry lovebug - 2 more years for you! I was so proud of Lindsay for being able to climb up all the moonbounce ladders. She is such a climber lately - I am starting to think about trying gymnastics again instead of dance.

At the last minute we put Hope and Lindsay into the kiddie race for 3 year olds. They were so cute. They ran together the whole way, not really sure what was going on. My baby is getting old enough to run races!! She was SO proud to have a t-shirt with a number pinned on it and a medal like Daddy. I totally could see her having another brain overload moment from all the excitement. I took a few pictures - I'll post back once they are downloaded.