Sunday, January 23, 2011

Snow Day

We had our first snow of the year on January 7th. Two weeks later and I am already sick of snow and winter, but on this day we were all excited to go out in the snow. :)

Me and Lindsay sledding down the driveway
Chris and his girls

Paige making a snow angel



Monday, January 10, 2011

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Conversations with Paige are definitely more interesting when Lindsay is not around, I've noticed.  Today our conversation started out by discussing what would happen if a bad guy was trying to get her....

It started innocently enough.  She was holding a kid-sized plastic chair with the legs in the air and remarked that she could use the legs to hit a bad guy in the privates.  I said, yes!  Definitely do that if a bad guy is trying to get you!  You can do anything if a person is trying to hurt you!  Then she was talking about having a pencil and poking them with it.  (Should I be nervous about violent tendencies?)  That segued into Home Alone and all the things that Kevin did to protect himself from the bad guys.  Screaming, dialing 911, and all those tricks he pulled on them. (I think we will stay away from Home Alone for a while)  So then somehow she starts talking about shooting them with a gun.  Huh??  Here's how the rest of the conversation went:

Me:  Well, little kids don't have guns, sweetie.
Paige:  Mommy, I'm worried about this, I need a gun.
Me:  Paige, little kids dont have guns.  You don't need a gun.
Paige:  Well, I will tell Santa and he will get me a gun next year.
Me:  Paige, you're not getting a gun.  Even some grownups don't have guns.  They are dangerous.  Sometimes nice people get hurt by guns.
Paige:  But I won't hurt any nice people.
Me:  If you want to stop bad guys, become a policeman when you grow up then.
Paige:  Ok, I will.  Now I want to be a veterinarian, a mailman in Paris, a mommy, a doctor, AND a policeman when  I grow up!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!

We spent NYE at the McKenney's up in Mechanicsburg.  A fun time was had by all, although by the end of the weekend the kids were a tired cranky mess.  (except for Natalie, who slept 10.5 hours straight on New Years Eve!)  While we were there, we went to Chocolate World in Hershey and went on the ride where they show you how the Hershey's chocolate is made.  They give you a piece of chocolate at the end of the ride.  The kids love it!

I explained to the girls how people make New Year's resolutions and asked what they would want to do in the new year.  Here are everyone's resolutions for 2011!

Lindsay - learn to ice skate, and learn about money
Paige - put things away after she is done with them, and be healthy (she added this after hearing mine)
Mommy - Live a healthier lifestyle.  I have a list of things I consider to be 'healthy' that I am going to try and implement throughout the year instead of all at once, since I know I would burn out in about two days.  For example, get enough sleep, exercise, eat fruits and vegetables, floss, etc!
Daddy - exercise every day.  Since he is about to blow this already on January 2nd, I told him he should make the goal only 6 days per week.  :)

I also want to work on decorating our house room by room, and I want to get a minivan.  :)  Overall, 2010 was decent, and much better than 2009, although I can hope that 2011 is a little more stable in terms of both of our jobs.

Outside Chocolate World


Paige and the singing cows during the ride