Saturday, November 27, 2010

Parent/Teacher Conferences

We had both girls' parent/teacher conferences last week. Just have to brag on them a little bit. :)

Paige: Her teacher said she is doing great and is very smart. She's one of the kids considered more 'ahead'. She is one of the older ones in the class, so this is not a surprise. On her little progress report she did get one area for development - paying attention/not talking during circle time. I thought this was pretty funny. And it explains why she asked me a few weeks ago "Mommy, why did Miss Karen say she was going to separate Mary and me? What does that mean?" Hehe.

Lindsay: Could not have gotten a more glowing report from her teacher, who claims Lindsay is one of her favorites. :) Her teacher said she always has a positive, enthusiastic attitude and is a good role model for the other kids. Wow! She was also assessed as being ahead in Math with 3 others in her class and will be getting 'math enrichment' activities. A child who likes math!!! Yeahhhh!!!!

I am super proud of my girls and hope they continue to love school and learning!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Yes! Let's hope the love for school continues!!
The girls are way too cute! so glad they are doing well! Can't wait to see what subject Natalie will excel in!