Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Sleepless night and Library fun

I slept for about 2-3 hours last tired I can barely think!  Not sure why Natalie was so restless.  Maybe a growth spurt?  Or possibly she isn't yet used to sleeping flat in her crib?  During the day she sleeps a lot in her bouncy seat.  Gas?  Reflux??   If only she could talk!  Oh well..until then, we play the guessing game.  Meanwhile Chris and I are zombies today.

So of course today would be the day I was scheduled to volunteer in the school library during Lindsay's class time.  If you know me, you know how excited I was to sign up to help in the library!!  But when this morning rolled around I was so tired I wanted to cry at the thought of going.  But Lindsay was sooo excited - no WAY was I not going to show up.  The good part - it forced me to get dressed in 'real' clothes for the first time since I had Natalie - and I was happy to find that I could fit into my baggy jeans!  (they aren't exactly baggy now, but still!!)  Afterwards I was glad I did it.  It was so cute to see her with her classmates looking for books in the library, and to put faces to some of the names she mentions.  Then I read her class 3 stories at the end of the period!!  How fun!!  A little intimidating, actually, a class of 17 kids looking at you and waiting to hear you read.  According to Lindsay I did just fine.  :)

Here's hoping for at least 4 hours of sleep tonight....

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