So, since I was feeling especially relaxed and not too overwhelmed tonight, I figured I'd add something else to do just to get me up to my normal insanely busy life! Starting a family blog! Why not??
I'd like to start blogging about the everyday moments....I call people with all my family's exciting milestones, but how about those amazing moments that just happen randomly? I hope to give my family and friends a glimpse into how our days really are....
Today my amazing Lindsay went her first day at daycare with underwear and no accidents! I am so proud of her I want to cry. We had a good talk this morning about how she would have to go poop in the potty if she wanted to wear underwear at school. And she did it! She is so grown up sometimes I get teary.
And my baby Paige is changing so she's sitting up and getting teeth. She is so alert and interested in the world. Just touching a tree the other day made her smile.
I love both my girls so much and I hope I can do right by them as their mother. It is such an amazing responsibility to have, to teach them all they need to know to handle this world successfully.
Welcome to the Earley Family blog!
You are an awesome Mom.
Thanks for sharing! You're right, it is an amazing responsibility to raise kids, but you are an AMAZING MOM!!
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