Friday, February 18, 2011

Four Months

I am totally exhausted at night since I started working, but tonight I decided to take a break from thinking about numbers and catch up on blogging! I can't believe our Natalie is four months old! She is super healthy and growing well. Her four month stats:
Weight: 14 pounds, 1 ounce (58th percentile)
Height: 27.5 inches (99th percentile!! - another tall girl!)

She is showing so much more personality now. She smiles, laughs, and is interested in everything going on around her. She is trying to grab things and put them in her mouth. Strangely enough, she hasn't really sucked her thumb very much since she first found it. She is still a binky girl. Time will tell, I guess!


Melissa said...

This is great picture!

Kate said...

what a happy girl!! a such a cutey!

Unknown said...

Love it!!!

Colleen said...

If there was ever a pic to melt my heart.....this is it!!