Sunday, December 11, 2011

Healthy Living Challenge - Week 2

Well, the first week was a success.  I even managed to avoid the sugary cereal the rest of my family eats on the weekend.  It helps that I LOVE frosted mini-wheats (maple and brown sugar flavored from Trader Joe's, mmmmm) and I consider that pretty healthy, since it is high in fiber.  Some days I had oatmeal, and some days cereal.  In the future I'd also like to add some fruit to it as well.  I acctually was thinking a piece of fruit with breakfast would be a good requirement for the kids too.  (I could never make Chris do this, ha)

Now, on to Week 2 - CUT DOWN ON THE CAFFEINE.   This one will be harder for me, because I love coffee.  I am not trying to cut it out completely, but I want to cut down to about 1 (SMALL) cup in the mornings - 12 oz. or less.  No more the rest of the day.  It really isn't necessary.  Plus I may eat chocolate during most days and that has caffeine as well.  Wish me luck!  And feel free to join me!

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